Copywriter Prasanna’s Personal Branding Shoot

I am still swooning over Prasanna’s Personal Branding Photo Shoot. What a fun day that resulted in amazing photos with some great variety. 

Prasanna is a copywriter with very strong ethical values and wanted to ensure that this comes across in her photos. Not only is Prasanna a beautiful lady on the outside, but her knowledge, wisdom, kindness and ethical viewpoints just blew me away

During our extensive planning session we decided on 4 different stories that we wanted to capture:

Story 1 – Work Life: how am I working, how can I help clients

Story 2 – Health and Wellness : Selfcare and maintaining balance

Story 3 – How do I get my inspiration?

Story 4 – Who am I? What’s important to me?

Having a variety  of images for each of the stories give Prasanna the opportunity to speak to her potential customers on matters that are important to her, to give them an idea about who she is, how she can relate to them and what it would be like to work with her. 

Once we have decided on the stories that we wanted to capture, we developed a shoot list for each story, determined the best location to capture those images and decided on the right outfit choices and accessories.

Cafe Crave with being big on the community, offering yummy food and the beautiful interior was the perfect choice as our first stop. I am sure we must have annoyed the poor staff with changing locations about every 10 minutes, but they were all super lovely and did not once complain (might have helped that we enjoyed yummy smoothies and a delicious lunch as well to keep us going). We managed to capture a variety of beautiful images to support Prasanna’s stories before heading off to the Auckland domain for some outdoor shots. Prasanna’s loves being outside reading, listening to podcasts and embracing the beauty that nature has to offer and the domain provided the perfect backdrop to capture some images there. 

Our last stop took us into the city to explore some of Prasanna’s favourite stores that provide her with inspiration and ideas.

I love seeing her images popping up on her inspirational Instagram feed, so make sure to check it out here.


Here a little peak of some of her beautiful Personal Branding Images: